- Yes No Maybe List to start consent conversations
- What is Sexual Consent? From RAINN
- Yes Means Yes: Sexual Consent
- has many resources for many situations, including consent 101.
- A resource to start thinking about what language we use around consent.
- The Consent and Accountability Project is a free framework for communities and events to create consent-centric events and spaces.
- The Anti-Violence Project consent resources.
- A toolbox for folks interested in organizing consent workshops.
- A consent workbook developed by Bristol University.
- A DIY Zine to build your own consent workshop.
- American Camp Association Consent Workshop materials.
- Getting Clear on Consent workshop.
- Me Too has a community change program
Burner Specific Resources
- Critical Resistance has an extensive resource list for all 3 categories
- Consent Framework Project
- Calgary Safer Space Guidelines
- Berkley’s Community accountability guidelines
- It’s On Us Bystander Intervention Tips
- HollaBack bystander intervention Resources
- Not On My Watch – bystander intervention guide
- Critical Resistance has an extensive resource list
- Center for a Stateless Society has resources on restorative justice and accountability processes around Sexual Violence
- What About the Rapists? Anarchist Approaches to Crime & Justice
- California Coalition Against Sexual Assault – Transformative justice – survivor centered, trauma informed approach to restorative justice.
- Philly Stands Up has a variety of excellent community resources
- Barnard Transformative Justice Workshop
generationFIVE:is a transformative justice group primarily working to end sexual abuse of children. The resources they provide are extensive and applicable to many forms of sexual violence.
Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective is a small group creating models of community healing around sexual violence and child sexual abuse. We find this collection of readings to be a good set for those new and those more experienced with transformative justice
Find an expansive list of groups doing transformative justice work here.
Sex Education
This youtube channel is run by a great sex educator, and there are some really sex-positive and educational videos with all the information you may need.
This professor runs a great twitter and instagram, as well as
Sexual Assault Survivor/Victim Resources
- A general introduction to poly
- A facebook group for Black Polyamorous Folks
- Poly Burners facebook group
- #open – “An Inclusive, Sex-Positive Community where the curious come together”
Kink/BDSM Resources
- has an extensive resource list for the new or more experienced kinkster.
- This is a really great write-up on BDSM & Consent
- Keeping It Kinky is an extensive resource list, toy recs etc.
- Here is a site for BDSM Contracts
- A good basic kink 101 resource guide
- Autostraddle’s Kink resource suggestions
- BDSM Safety Suggestions
- Leather & Rose has a somewhat extensive BDSM/Kink resource list
LGBTQIA+ Resources
- A LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, suport & info services to LGBT communities
- Sex Discussed Here! has a LGBT resource section
- The Trevor Project is a crisis intervention & suicide prevention service to LGBTQQ+ youth (under 25).
- The CDC offers LGBT youth resources
- Pflag is a community of LGBTQ individuals, family members and allies